I’m Singin’ and I’m Alive!

“He who sings, prays twice.”- St. Augustine of Hippo




This is one of the vocal exercises we did last night during our practice for our 28th Anniversary of Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon (ALNP) – a Catholic Charismatic community for single young professionals working at Makati area.  Bro Jet Sitaca as well as sisters and brothers from ALNP Makati, Greenhills, QC and Caloocan are there as well. See below our invitation poster of the event we are preparing for:


I am praying to the Lord and recently asked Him this:

Lord how can I serve you? What do you want me to do? How can I best serve you?

I almost forgot this prayer as I have lots of  workload due this week and then I got a text message from my partner in Action Group Service- Mia Logica:

Mia: Irene and Bless (two sisters whom are also in the same Action Group) will be coming as well for the Regional Prayer Meeting (RPM) practice later, would you come?

Me: (Thinking of what to reply…) Sure I’ll be there.

During that time, I’m just shy to tell my partner Mia that I am thinking (or contemplating, seriously still not prayed about it) of not attending the 28th Anniversary of ALNP. Why? I’m just maybe at my pasaway (not so obedient) mode! By this time, I’ve also texted another sister in Christ- Josette Suarez:

Me: Will you be attending this Saturday for the Anniversary of ALNP? I’m still not sure.

Josette: That is no-brainer! I’ll attend to our Anniversary in ALNP. But when it comes to my hair, if it is not done on Saturday I will also not go!


I really laughed hard at her response!!! Maybe sometimes I really have to laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously =)

During the practice, I’m so happy, delighted and felt alive! Maybe I also got carried away, as all of us are laughing at ourselves, making mistakes at how to pronounce the words, forgetting lyrics of the song and or just not hitting the right notes. It was a fun session!!!

And I suddenly realized, the Lord wants me to praise Him and sing to Him now! That is His response to my prayer- He wants me to sing my heart out for Him! (and do it along with my brothers and sisters in the ALNP community!) Thank You Lord for this opportunity of loving you back through singing…………….

Let me share with you one of the songs we practiced:

Lord, we come into Your holy presence

Lord, we come into Your holy presence

There to gaze upon Your face.

Through the veil

We see You robed in glory

Before Your throne to take our place.

And with our voices

We now praise Your name:

You are our King and no other!

We cry to You, “Establish your reign!”

We shout, “Your Kingdom come!”

Hallelujah, our King!  Glory to God!

We call on Your name.

Give us strength for the fight.

Build us up by Your power.

Make us one in Your name.

Your Kingdom come!

“God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service to God, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are many ways in which God works in our lives, but it is the same God who works in and through all of us.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6 )

Hope you also know how you can serve the Lord with all your special abilities, ask Him and He will gladly lead you to discover it…

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